Continuous improvement in energy saving at the Santa Perpetua site
CENTRIENT PHARMACEUTICALS SPAIN SA has replaced two boilers at its Santa Perpetua site with new ones which are more sustainable and have greater energy efficiency. The two new boilers generate an estimated saving of 37.82 TOE*, significantly reducing consumption of natural gas and emissions.
This initiative was supported by the energy saving and efficiency aid program for SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector with a grant of EUR60.907, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), coordinated by IDEA and managed by the Catalan Energy Institute, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy. The action has achieved energy savings of 37.82 TOE/year and 110.84 tCO2/year.
*The IEA (International Energy Agency) expresses its energy balances in a common unit, the equivalent ton of oil (TOE). A toe is defined as 107 Kcal.