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  • ESG is central to Centrient’s Purpose: to improve lives through innovative and sustainable manufacturing of medicines.
  • Centrient publishes its ESG Report for the years 2022-2023, demonstrating substantial progress towards all targets set out in Centrient’s 2021-2030 ESG Ambition, with some targets already achieved.
  • Centrient achieves 100% compliance with antibiotic discharge limits, leading the fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Rijswijk, Netherlands, 24 June 2024 – Centrient’s ESG Report for 2022-2023, published today, confirms clear progress toward the company’s ESG Ambition.

Centrient’s ESG Ambition is closely connected to its Purpose: to improve lives through innovative and sustainable manufacturing of medicines. As a business-to-business supplier of antibiotics, statins, and antifungals, Centrient manufactures foundational medicines that are the cornerstone of healthcare systems. Centrient has a widespread health impact, facilitating 1.5 billion patient treatments globally in 2023.

"We have achieved or made progress toward all targets set out in our 2021-2030 ESG Ambition,” said Rex Clements, CEO of Centrient Pharmaceuticals. “I am proud of what we have achieved and have nothing but optimism about our direction and broad impact on healthcare systems and society.”

Centrient has already achieved two environmental targets, with 97% of waste repurposed and a 10% reduction in water consumption. The company is on track to meet its other environmental targets, reducing its overall environmental footprint with a 5% reduction in carbon emissions and a 10% reduction in energy intensity. In 2022-2023, the company sourced 25% of its electricity from renewables.

According to the World Health Organization, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) remains a top ten global health threat and is expected to worsen without action. Centrient remains at the forefront of industry efforts against AMR. In early 2022, the company ensured that wastewater discharge from manufacturing sites across its value chain does not contribute to AMR by achieving 100% compliance with PNEC (predicted no-effect concentration) limits. In 2023, Centrient worked with the British Standards Institute (BSI) to develop and pilot an independent AMR certification scheme to set an international industry standard for sustainable antibiotic manufacturing. BSI verified Centrient’s compliance with the AMR Industry Alliance’s Antibiotic Manufacturing Standard and awarded its new BSI Kitemark for ‘Minimized Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance’ for Centrient’s site in Santa Perpetua, Spain.

Centrient works to create value for its employees and the communities where it operates. Centrient has embedded its employee value proposition (EVP) with a focus on key differentiators to enhance engagement and professional development. The company improved gender balance among its leadership, with 30% of senior management roles held by women in 2023, and launched a new diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) roadmap to achieve its target of 50% female senior leaders by 2030. Centrient is committed to making a positive impact in communities through corporate social responsibility programs, which reached more than 45,000 people in 2023 with initiatives ranging from a mobile healthcare unit in India to the donation of supplies and equipment to schools in China.

In 2023, Centrient also established a baseline evaluation of current monitoring mechanisms through a Human Rights Impact Assessment. Zero incidents of human rights violations were reported. Recognizing the importance of a sustainable supply chain, Centrient developed and established a Sustainable Sourcing Policy, enabling the company to closely monitor more than 2,500 global suppliers on material ESG indicators.

Centrient is also investing in the future. In 2023, it announced plans to open its dedicated Innovation Lab, bringing together a team of leading scientists in Barcelona. The new lab builds on the company’s history of partnering with nature and its enzymatic production technique, providing a central hub for Centrient’s product and process innovation, enhancing its existing research and development capabilities worldwide.

Centrient’s leadership in sustainability was independently affirmed as it maintained its Gold Sustainability Rating in the EcoVadis Supplier Assessment, ranking in the top 4% of assessed companies in 2022 and 2023.

Read Centrient’s 2022-2023 ESG Report in full here.  

For more information, contact: Neil Moorhouse
Director, Global Communications & ESG; Country President, Netherlands
Phone: +31(0) 6 83171297